I bought a tube of hair wax for the Monkey King. I tried to convince him that it'll make his hair better looking, not like an overgrown
chi chi chia. So, I slather some wax on my hair, and the kids. We had fun creating funny hairstyles.
There's something about Mary JD
Wind-swept hair
Kai: "Waaa...stop playing with my hair, I just wanna take a bath"Future Professor 

This is not a product of hair wax. This is what happens when you put mashed bananas on your hair. It sticks out even after I
wiped scrubbed it with wet towel. Nice to know that bananas is a good substitute for hair gel/wax. Good experiment, Professor!
So cute, gorgeous photos.
Have a good weekend.
Who knew you could have so much fun with hair wax and banannas! Now I know what to do with that extra jar I have in the cabinet :)
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